
Welcome to the Aurora C At Clinic

The Doctors and staff of Aurora C at Clinic welcome you to our growing list of satisfied clients. We appreciate this opportunity to serve you.Our mission is to provide high quality medical and surgical care for you at prices which you can afford. to achieve our mission, we want to become as familiar as possible with you.  If you ever have any suggestions or questions about any of our services, policies or fees, we will be happy to discuss them with you. 

Our Message & Mission Statement

Our dedicated approach focuses on the total health of each indiviudual. Our strong belief in client education enables us to provide the best medical and surgical care within the emotional and financial capabilities of each individual client.

Auora C at Clinic is a full service hospital, comfortable environment,  We offer the following services for all of our feline patients: Medicine. Surgery. Dentistry. X-rays. Diognostics.Prescription foods. Boarding



A breast reduction can help you achieve an optimal breast size and prevent discomfort. The procedure will also enhance your quality of life and increase your self-confidence. Further, a breast reduction might be the only solution if you have trouble doing daily chores and exercises....

Post date: Tuesday, December 28, 2021 - 12:56
For decades now, Thailand has remained to be amongst the top destinations for medical tourism worldwide. Studies show that an estimated 700,000 people from different parts of the world visit Thailand for medical purposes, with plastic surgery being the key reason.

What is plastic surgery?
It is a medical specialty concerning facial or body reconstruction following an...
Post date: Tuesday, March 31, 2020 - 13:26
Shedding around 100 strands of hair per day is normal. However, when the detaching is significantly high, then it is considered as hair loss. Despite it being a normal part of aging, it can be experienced by anyone regardless of their age or gender. Other than age, psychological, medical, and physical factors may also cause hair loss and thinning. But most of the time, heredity is always the key...
Post date: Monday, March 16, 2020 - 16:57